The Elizabethan Prophecy Fulfilled and What’s Coming Next

In light of recent events with the Queen's passing, it feels prudent to make a quick reiteration and expound on outstanding prophetic events, which are to occur on the heels of her death. Isaiah 23:15 And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days … Continue reading The Elizabethan Prophecy Fulfilled and What’s Coming Next

The Foreshadow: Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen

"Hiroshima is bitter, noisy, highly political, leftist and anti-American. Its symbol would be a fist clenched in anger. Nagasaki is sad, quiet, reflective, nonpolitical and prayerful. It does not blame the United States but rather laments the sinfulness of war, especially of nuclear war. Its symbol: hands joined in peace." - Song for Nagasaki, pg. … Continue reading The Foreshadow: Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen

Their Heart is Divided: The 2nd American Civil War

Prior to reading this article, this author recommends reading Hosea 10 thoroughly first and then returning for the commentary because this commentary is not going to start with verse 1 but rather verse 9: Hosea 10: 9 O Israel, thou hast sinned from the days of Gibeah: there they stood: the battle in Gibeah against … Continue reading Their Heart is Divided: The 2nd American Civil War


According to Jonathan Cahn, Trump has an ancient counterpart: Jehu, King over the Northern Kingdom of Israel. If this is true, America will be seeing an intense purging over the course of the next year or so. This author is not going to be reiterating another man’s work; please read The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint … Continue reading Jehu

Psychological Operations of COVID-19; Witchcraft on a Global Scale

Psychological warfare is used to demoralize an enemy, and by use of psychological tactics, disadvantage, disarm, or distress an enemy, typically through fear. The Joint Chief of Staff has defined Psychological Warfare in this manner: "Psychological warfare employs any weapon to influence the mind of the enemy. The weapons are psychological only in the effect they produce … Continue reading Psychological Operations of COVID-19; Witchcraft on a Global Scale